How Sugary Foods Impact Your Dental Wellness?

How Sugary Foods Impact Your Dental Wellness?

Sugar in chocolates, shakes, cakes and all variety of desserts can elevate our taste buds. There is no denying that sugary foods provide a quick source of energy as these are easily converted to sugar. It can further boost your mood and reduce stress. However, they can have a negative impact on your health.

Excessive sugar consumption can lead to diabetes, obesity, PCODs, and heart diseases. It can also cause tooth and gum problems, cavity and other dental issues from an early age. While other health concerns are taken care of, dental issues are often overlooked until you feel the unbearable pain.

Thus, it is important to avoid sugar intake to maintain your oral hygiene. Here is a guide to help you know about the impact of sugar on your teeth. You can take necessary actions and visit your dentist in Queensland on time.


Let’s Get Started!

1. Sugar Decays Tooth

It is imperative to understand that our mouth has good as well as bad bacteria all the time. Of course, the good bacteria are harmless, but the bad ones tend to produce acids when you eat sugary foods and beverages. These acids wear out the tooth enamel which is a protective layer and cause cavities.

Majority of people don’t even notice the onset issues of cavities, allowing bacteria to penetrate deeper and spread infection in the gums. If your tooth decays from the pulp, the only way to save it is through root canal treatment in the best cosmetic dentist in North Queensland. So, take care of your dental health by avoiding sugary foods and drinks.

2. Understanding the Link Between Sugar and Mouth Bacteria

Do you want to understand the cavity development to better cure the dental issue? If yes, then understand the impact of sugar in your mouth. When you consume sugary foods and beverages, the two types of bacteria absorb them.

These bacteria are Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sorbrinus, causing Plaque . It is a sticky and dingy film over your tooth. If the Plaque  stays on the gum life for a long time, it can cause acidity in the mouth, leading to small holes and cavities.

3. How to Avoid Tooth Decay from Sugary Items?

According to dentists in Mareeba, North Queensland, sugar consumption must be controlled by everyone to promote a healthy oral hygiene. You must brush your teeth twice a day, drink fluoridated tap water and avoid sugar-based food.

Flossing can be an ideal way to remove plaque and rinsing with a mouthwash can remove bad bacteria.

Tip: example your teeth six months to ensure utmost dental wellness.

4. How to Keep Kids away From Sugar?

Controlling sugar intake in children is quite challenging. Since they develop cavities quickly, parents must take necessary actions to maintain their oral hygiene. Develop healthy eating habits from the beginning and taught them to brush correctly. Avoid giving them packaged food and beverages.

To satiate their sugar cravings, add fresh fruits such as mango, apples, etc in their diet. These small things can help prevent your kids from cavities.

Wrapping Up

Sugar is the enemy of your oral health. It can lead to cavity issues, gum problems and tooth decays. So, control your sugar consumption and enjoy a healthy, hygienic and pain-free life.

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